Echo of Neltharion


  • Break the walls using Calamitous Strike.
  • After Calamitous Strike the boss will always use Echoing Fissure. Make sure the boss doesn’t move to the new section before he has cast this.
  • Taunt swap after each Calamitous Strike.
  • Sunder Shadow pulls your soul from your body allowing you to pass through walls. When Neltharion ends his cast, your soul will fly back to your body breaking any walls in between.
  • In phase three Calamitous Strike should be aimed at the outside wall instead.


  • Umbral Detonationdeals more damage each time it is cast.
  • Players who are targeted with Corruption should be thrown some absorbs and HoT’s early before they become hostile.


  • Focus down Voices From Beyond adds as soon as they become attackable.
  • Two target cleave is good for phase two.
  • some AOE helps in phase three to stop the adds building up uncontrollably.
  • Save Heroism/Bloodlust for phase three.

Phase One

Neltharion will follow a sequence of spells for this entire phase until he reaches 70% health. He will separate the room into sections with Twisted Earth. All players should make sure they are within the same section that Neltharion is in, otherwise they will be out of line of sight of other players and the boss.
He will mark several players with Rushing Darkness. This spell knocks players back and silences anyone hit. It can break parts of the Twisting Earth walls, but this should be aimed at the outside edge of the area instead. This is because every chunk of the wall that is broken causes a DoT on all players that stacks, and having many people breaking walls will very quickly wipe the group.
Some players will also be targeted by Volcanic Heart, which is a large orange circle that erupts after a few seconds. These players should move to the sides and edges of the available space, while everyone else should stay close to Neltharion. Volcanic Heart does leave a nasty DoT that stacks, so you really do not want to be standing in one if you do not have to.
The tank swap in this fight is Calamitous Strike. This ability knocks the main tank back, breaking any walls they fly into. This is very useful for manoeuvring round to new sections before the boss casts Echoing Fissure. When one tanks gets knocked back, the other tank should instantly taunt and pull the boss as far from the opening as possible. Neltharion will always cast Echoing Fissure straight after Calamitous Strike, which is a large AOE that will cause massive damage to anyone hit and leaves a large growing puddle. Once the boss has been brought below 70% prepare for phase two.

Phase Two

Everyone should group closely once again as Neltharion will break down all existing walls and rebuild them into 3 main areas and a small middle section. He still casts Rushing Darkness and Volcanic Heart like in phase one, and these should be dealt with the same way.
Three Voices From Beyond will spawn, shadowed and currently unattackable. Players will eventually have Corruption cast on them. This is a kiss curse as it allows them players to attack the Voices From Beyond and break their concealment, however it also lets anyone else in the raid attack them, meaning your own team can accidentally (or otherwise…) harm and even kill them. Because of this, everyone should be extremely careful, and no body should stand near the Voices From Beyond unless they are under the effects of Corruption.
The best way to break the walls in this phase is with Sunder Shadow, which is the taunt swap ability for phase two. This works slightly different to Calamitous Strike in that this time, the boss will hit the tanks soul out of their body and pull it back into their body a few seconds later. During this brief moment, tanks can run through the walls. When their soul is pulled back to their body, it will shatter any walls in between them.
During this phase Neltharion will cast Umbral Annihilation periodically. Every time he does this it will deal 100% more damage. This acts as a soft enrage as eventually this will one shot players if the group takes too long. This phase will end when all three Voices From Beyond are killed and he has reached 35% health.

Phase Three

Once again the boss will begin by breaking down any walls and rebuilding them. This time players want to break as few walls as possible due to each one spawning a portal under each one. These portals will spawn Twisted Aberration enemies. By themselves these enemies aren’t particularly dangerous, but in large groups they can shred a tank in mere moments. For every 2 seconds these adds are alive, their damage is increased by 75%. This means if just a few of them stay alive for 10 seconds, each will be dealing 375% more damage with every attack making them extremely deadly to let linger.
On top of this, Neltharion will cast Sunder Reality which breaks several Twisted Earth walls, spawning portals naturally as the fight continues. This is managed easier with Neltharion’s last ability Ebon Destruction which is a 12 second cast that kills anyone it hits unless they are standing in a portal. Standing in the portals reduce all damage and healing dealt and received by 99% but Ebon Destruction will close any portals stood on when the cast is complete. From here it is a DPS race to kill him before you run out of portals or get overwhelmed by Twisted Aberration enemies.


Twisted Earth

Neltharion raises rock walls throughout the area, causing damage to anyone hit by them.

Volcanic Heart

Large circles that explode after 7 seconds. These deal heavy damage to anyone within 10 yards and additional fire damage every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.

Collapsed Earth

Swirls indicating falling rock from the ceiling throughout the fight.

Rushing Darkness

Several players are marked with arrows. After a few seconds bolts of shadow strike them causing heavy damage and knocking them back. Any other player they knock into will take heavy damage and be silenced for 3 seconds. If these players are knocked into any Twisted Earth walls, the walls will shatter causing the raid to gain the Shatter debuff.


Whenever any Twisted Earth walls shatter, all players will get a stack of this debuff dealing light damage and taking heavy physical damage every second for 6 seconds.

Calamitous Strike

A tank smash dealing massive physical damage and knocking them back. Causes a debuff that makes them take 200% more damage from Calamitous Strike for 37 seconds. When they are knocked back they will break through any Twisted Earth walls they fly into.

Volcanic Heart

Players are marked to explode after 7 seconds dealing massive damage to anyone else within 10 yards and applies a DoT dealing heavy damage every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds.

Echoing Fissure

After Calamitous Strike, Neltharion will make a 24 yard circle that explodes for massive physical damage and causes a puddle that spreads slowly over time.

Umbral Annihilation

Periodically cast on the raid dealing moderate Shadow damage. Every time he casts this it deals 100% more damage.


A debuff given to a few players randomly. This makes them hostile to the rest of the team, but allows them to attack the shrouded Voice From Beyond.

Voice From Beyond

Enemies shrouded in void. Players who have the Corruption debuff can break their shields, allowing the raid to kill them.

Sunder Shadow

Neltharion hits his current target, rending their soul from their body. After a few seconds he strikes them again drawing their soul back to it’s body, breaking any Twisted Earth in between.

Sunder Reality

Makes portals under Twisted Earth dealing damage to anyone within 5 yards. These spawn Twisted Aberrations and can shield players from Ebon Destruction.

Ebon Destruction

Neltharion casts for 12 seconds dealing deadly damage to anyone not standing in a Sunder Reality portal.

Twisted Aberration

Adds that spawn in phase three from Sunder Reality portals.

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