Council of Dreams


  • Taunt swap after each Agonizing Claws.
  • When targeted by Barrelling Charge, aim towards the edge of the room unless Aerwynn is channelling Constricting Thicket, in which case aim at her.
  • Only Urctos is movable so tank him near another boss so players can cleave.



  • Keep an eye on all three of the bosses health, They need to die within 20 seconds of each other, otherwise they regenerate their health.
  • Melee should be especially careful when turning back from being a duck as anyone within their circle will be polymorphed into a duck.

The Fight

The Council of Dreams is a three boss encounter, but only Urctos can be moved around the area. Pips and Aerwynn will periodically move/teleport around meaning cleave can be very unpredictable. It’s always worth moving Urctos to one of the other bosses for additional damage from the raid, but keep in mind Urctos does his own frontal cleave, so the raid needs to stay clear of him.
Urctos will use Barrelling Charge on his current target, and after a few seconds run in a straight line towards wherever that player was standing. The raid has to split the group and have several players get hit by this, as it will reduce the damage the whole raid receives at the end of the cast. Players who get hit by this must not get hit by the next one as it also leaves a debuff making the next Barrelling Charge do deadly damage.
Whenever Aerwynn casts Constricting Thicket, Urctos should be aimed towards her so that Barrelling Charge interrupts her cast. She will also throw out several Noxious Blossom’s at a time, which will be needed for Pip’s ability to turn players into ducks. When you are a duck you need to run over three Noxious Blossom’s and then press the Preen spell on your action bar to return to normal, being careful of other players nearby as using Preen when within melee range of others will result in them becoming a duck.
When Urctos starts casting Blind Rage, a player will need to use Preen when within range of him, to pacify him, stopping him gaining a buff of 300% additional damage for the remainder of the fight.
Some time into the fight Pip will teleport to the middle and cast Song of the Dragon which puts a damage absorb on every player. If this damage absorb isn’t removed within 15 seconds, the player will be pacified and receive a deadly amount of damage over 15 seconds. To remove this, all players need to do is stand on any Noxious Blossom until the absorb bubble bursts, then continue like normal.
Players will be randomly hit by Poisonous Javelin’s which just need cleansing to reduce the damage build up and slow from the spell, and every now and then players get pushed away from the centre by Emerald Winds which also deals moderate damage to the raid. Players should always try to damage the bosses equally as they need to die within a set amount of time of each other, otherwise they will regenerate and likely wipe the group.

Mythic Difficulty

On mythic difficulty the main difference is the bosses now line up two of their strong attacks at the same time rather than just one. This means the raid has to organise their group to deal with multiple things at once. Along with this, cleansing Noxious Blossom now causes the player to explode onto nearby team mates for heavy damage, meaning the group needs to spread out and be careful when cleansing.


Barrelling Charge

Urctos charges towards his main target after 5 seconds hitting everything in his path for light damage and knocking them back. When he ends his charge he deals heavy damage, reduced for each player he charged into.

Agonizing Claws

Urctos hits everything in front of him for massive physical damage, leaving any player hit with a debuff that increases damage from Agonizing Claws by 500% for 18 seconds. This effect stacks.

Thundering Impact

Deals massive raid wide damage after Barrelling Charge. This damage is reduced for each player Urctos charges into.

Constricting Thicket

When Aerwynn reaches 100 energy she channels vines onto all players over 18 seconds, dealing light damage every second and slowing them. This effect stacks. To stop this players need to aim Urctos’ Barrelling Charge towards her.

Relentless Barrage

If Constricting Thicket isn’t interrupted, Aerwynn will launch Javelin’s at players every second for three seconds, poisoning players dealing heavy damage every 1.5 seconds for 30 seconds and stacks. This usually leads to a wipe.

Noxious Blossom

Deals low damage to all players for each Noxious Blossom that is currently spawned and a large amount of damage to players standing on them. Players who are turned into ducks can eat them to reduce the amount of raid damage. These are also needed when Pip casts Song of the Dragon.

Polymorph Bomb

Pip turns several players into ducks after a few seconds. When players are turned into ducks they gain two new spells, Quack and Preen. Players will get The Hungry Debuff and can run over Noxious Blossom’s to eat them.

Song of the Dragon

When Pip reaches 100 energy, he puts a damage absorb on all players for 15 seconds. If players still have the absorb by the end of the channel, they will be stunned and receive lethal damage. To remove this, players need to stand on Noxious Blossom until the absorb is gone. Song of the Dragon also applies Corrosive Pollen.

Captivating Finale

At the end of the Song of the Dragon channel, anyone who still has the absorb will be stunned dancing and take heavy damage every second for 15 seconds.

Corrosive Pollen

Standing on Noxious Blossom’s deal additional damage every 0.5 seconds.

Blind Rage

When Urctos reaches 100 energy, he enrages for 20 seconds, causing moderate damage to the raid every 2 seconds and increases his damage dealt by 30% each stack for the remainder of the fight. A player using Preen on him stops the enrage.


Castable spell while affected by Polymorph Bomb. When cast, anyone within 6 yards will be polymorphed into a duck. A player needs to do this to Urctos during Blind Rage. Must be Satiated to use.


Leap forward 10 yards and increases movement speed by 100% for 6 seconds. 3 second cooldown. Usable while affected by Polymorph Bomb.


When affected by Polymorph Bomb players will have stacks of this debuff. Running over Noxious Blossom’s will reduce the stacks of Hungry and remove the Noxious Blossom from the ground, reducing raid damage. All stacks of Hungry need to be removed in order to use Preen.


When players have ran over enough Noxious Blossom’s to remove the Hungry debuff, they become Satiated allowing them to use Preen.


While players are affected by Polymorph Bomb, they take 99% reduced damage from nature damage.

Poisonous Javelin

Aerwynn throws javelin’s coated in poison at random players dealing moderate damage and applying a poison dot every second which causes a stacking slow. When cleansed it causes an explosion of Unstable Venom.

Unstable Venom (Mythic)

When Poisonous Javelin is cleansed, the player explodes dealing heavy damage to other players within 10 yards.

Emerald Winds

Pip channels a gust of wind to blow all players away from him and causing light damage.

Whimsical Gust (Mythic)

Pip’s gusts of winds spawn around the arena causing heavy damage and knocking back anyone who it hits.


When any of the three bosses reaches 1 health point, they cast Rebirth for 15 seconds. When the cast finishes they will reawaken with full health.

Dream Tactics (Mythic)

The Council of Dreams is more coordinated and can now use two of their most powerful abilities at the same time instead of just one. This means the players need to juggle multiple mechanics at the same time.

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