Fyrakk the Blazing


  • Fyrakk will always leap to his current target if out of range dealing an extra melee attack. Try to be in melee when taunting.
  • Face him away from the raid due to his frontal.
  • in phase one keep him away from Amirdrassil’s Roots.
  • Pick up a Burning Colossus whenever they spawn.
  • In phase three taunt swap when the shadowflame dot damage becomes too much.


  • Dream Rend damage is spicy and pulls everyone towards it.
  • Burning Presence causes raid damage during the whole fight.
  • The Aflame debuff spawns frequently and should be cleansed as soon as possible whenever a player has it.
  • During the intermission the raid will take heavy AOE damage until the shield is broken.
  • In phase two the Spirits of the Kaldorei should be healed as soon as possible to reduce risk of them burning.


  • Try to line up cooldowns for the intermission. The longer this goes on the more damage it pulses.
  • Screaming Souls should be interrupted and killed as quickly as possible.
  • Try to push/control Screaming Souls into groups to make cleaving easier.

Phase One

The tank should face Fyrakk away from the group to ensure the frontal attack doesn’t cleave anybody and position the group on the opposite end of the arena to where the roots are. This is to allow players who need to place Raging Flames are as close to where they need to be as possible. Players who get the Blaze debuff need to find a safe position and then stay still until their Blaze has erupted.

Moving around with Blaze will cause the rest of the group to panic, so finding a safe spot early makes this mechanic much easier to manage. The raid leader should have assigned where the group will run during Dream Rend, and the group should be close together to allow healers to AOE heal easier. It is vital that healers are cleansing Aflame consistently, as these debuffs are well known to build up and kill players early on. Once Fyrakk reaches 70% health he will fly up and the intermission will begin.


During the intermission Fyrakk will gain a massive shield that must be broken within 30 seconds of him landing. He will then channel Shadowflame Breath at Amirdrassil and have a deadly puddle underneath him that nobody should stand in. DPS using cooldowns here often makes this quicker, as the raid damage he pulses also builds up over time. During this phase players should spread out around him and allow the Flame Orbs to run into them. This does a small amount of damage but allowing them to reach Fyrakk will cause a pulse of massive shadowflame damage to the entire raid. Once the shield is broken Fyrakk will fly into the air again and prepare to use Flamefall.

Phase Two

At the start of this phase Fyrakk will smash into the ground. It’s telegraphed and easy to avoid and always in the same location. A tank should pick him up quickly and the group should avoid standing in front of him. At this phase of the fight it is also vital that players are aware of the Spirits of the Kaldorei that spawn. If any damage comes to them before they are healed, they will turn into Screaming Souls and likely mean Amirdrassil runs out of health.
Fyrakk will spawn two Burning Colossus that deal damage to anyone within 15 yards of them. Usually each tank will pick up one and separate them, taking them to deal with the Screaming Souls on either end of the platform, but it is possible to keep them together if your healers are prepared. The Spirits of the Kaldorei need to be healed as soon as possible. Once they are at full health, they gain a shield reducing all damage they take. This usually ensures they will make it to Amirdrassil and not get killed. The Blaze lines players receive continue to hit players in this phase, and it becomes increasingly important to be aware of your surroundings now. This is because the Blazes can also hit the Spirits of the Kaldorei, instantly killing them and turning them into Screaming Souls.
After making sure the Screaming Souls and Burning Colossus are kept away from the Spirits of the Kaldorei, knocking them together when possible, interrupting and killing them, Fyrakk will repeat this whole part again a second time with real differences. After you have killed the Burning Colossus a second time, you gain around 40 seconds to freely attack Fyrakk. This is usually a great time to use Heroism/Bloodlust, After a set amount of time Fyrakk will fly up into the sky and phase three will begin.

Phase Three

Fyrakk will land in his dragon form and knock players up into the air right at the beginning of this phase. If Heroism/Bloodlust wasn’t used yet, now is the time to use it. Seeds of Amirdrassil will fall to the floor and assigned players should pick these up. It is extremely important that the people carrying these seeds are separated from the rest of the group. This is because any shadowflame damage that hits the player or seed, will destroy the seed and create a Blazing Seed that will likely kill half the group.
Have the seed carriers on the left side of Fyrakk, the tanks in front and everyone else on the right side of him. Players will be marked with Blaze’s as well as Swirling Firestorm’s during this phase, and these along with Fyrakk’s Shadowflame Breath attack cannot hit the seeds. If a player holding a seed gets targeted by Blaze or Swirling Firestorm, they need to use their extra action button to drop the seed in a safe location and move out of the way. Swirling Firestorms should always be ran to the edge of the platform as these are deadly and knock players back, easily causing a wipe. Other players Blaze lines can also destroy seeds, which is why splitting the group is the safest way to deal with them.
Fyrakk’s final ability is Apocalypse Roar, which is a 5 second cast that causes deadly damage and knocks players back. This is where the Seeds come into play. During the Apocalypse Roar cast, the extra action button changes to become the Bloom ability. Using this places a large green zone on the floor that when stepped into, reduces the knock back and heavily reduces the damage taken by players. Only one seed should be used at a time and generally everyone meets up right behind Fyrakk for this. Any players not in the Bloom zone by the time Apocalypse Roar is cast will die, and any seeds being carried by them or on the floor will become Blazing Seeds. From this point it’s a DPS race to kill Fyrakk before running out of seeds to use.


Roots of Amirdrassil

In phase one the Roots of Amirdrassil are vulnerable. If the Raging Flames reach the roots, the tree burns and the fight is over.


Meteors fall from the sky dealing heavy damage to anyone hit and spawning Raging Flames on the impact zone.

Raging Flames

Patches of burning ground that deal heavy damage to anyone standing in them. They also kill the Roots of Amirdrassil if they touch them, Burning the tree and losing the fight.


Heavy raid wide damage that spreads Raging Flames 9 yards closer to the Roots of Amirdrassil.

Fyr’alath’s Bite

Fyrakk slashes his current target dealing heavy physical and fire damage and brands the target with Fyr’alath’s Mark for 40 seconds. Fyr’alath’s Flame shoots forward after this attack.

Fyr’alath’s Mark

A stacking debuff that makes the target take heavy damage from Fyrakk’s melee attacks.

Fyr’alath’s Flame

A fireball that shoots forward whenever Fyrakk casts Fyr’alath’s Bite, hitting anything in it’s path.


Whenever Fyrakk isn’t within melee range of his target, he lunges towards them, performing a melee attack to anything near his target.

Dream Rend

Deals heavy damage to all players and causing additional damage every second for 8 seconds, pulling people towards the epicentre. Players further away receive reduced damage.

Dark Embers (Mythic)

Flames escape from Dream Rend, causing deadly damage to anyone caught in their path.


Any player caught within Dream Rend will take deadly damage from it.

Blaze (Heroic)

Players are marked with lines that erupt after 4 seconds. The Blaze lines move with them, and when it erupts will damage anyone hit by it. This includes Spirits of the Kaldorei.

Burning Presence

Fyrakk deals moderate fire damage to the raid every 2 seconds while in combat. Sometimes this results in Aflame debuffs.


A damage over time dealing light shadowflame damage every second. Every time it deals damage it adds another stack. Can be cleansed. Should be cleansed fast.

Darkflame Shades (Mythic)

Burning shades that spawn within the Raging Flames.

Darkflame Cleave (Mythic)

the Darkflame Shades leap towards their target, dealing deadly damage split between everyone within 9 yards and increasing damage taken from Darkflame Cleave by 200% for 4 seconds. This leaves behind more Raging Flame.


Fyrakk fires his Shadowflame Breath towards Amirdrassil. While doing this he gains a shield and pulses shadowflame damage to the raid that increases in potency over time. If the shield isn’t broken within 30 seconds, Amirdrassil burns and the group wipes.


Under Fyrakk is a deadly area that causes the player to take deadly damage every second they stand within it.

Shadowflame Breath

A frontal cone of shadowflame that deals deadly damage every 0.3 seconds to players standing in it.


Fyrakk leaps high into the sky and returns in his dragon form, dealing heavy damage to all players and knocking them into the air.

Burning Scales

Heat radiates from Fyrakk dealing moderate shadowflame damage to all players every 2 seconds.

Flame Orbs

The Raging Flames turn into Flame Orbs, converge slowly towards Fyrakk dealing damage to the player that intercepts them. If they reach Fyrakk he will cast Shadowflame Eruption.

Flamebound (Mythic)

Fyrakk debuffs the player causing them to take 30% more damage from Flame Orbs, and 800% more damage from Shadow Orbs. This debuff stacks.

Shadow Orbs (Mythic)

The Raging Flames turn into Shadow Orbs, converge slowly towards Fyrakk dealing damage to the player that intercepts them. If they reach Fyrakk he will cast Shadowflame Eruption.

Shadowbound (Mythic)

Fyrakk debuffs the player causing them to take 30% more damage from Shadow Orbs, and 800% more damage from Flame Orbs. This debuff stacks.

Spirits of the Kaldorei

Spirits of the deceased Kaldorei appear and slowly walk towards Amirdrassil. These are at low health and need healing to ensure they survive the damage. When they reach Amirdrassil they will help heal it.

Lifeforce Barrier

Once reaching full health, the Spirits of the Kaldorei gain a barrier, reducing all damage taken by 50%.

Darnassian Ancient (Mythic)

An ancient tree spirit that perished in the fires of Teldrassil.

Greater Firestorm

Large meteors that fall and hit the ground causing heavy damage to anyone within 9 yards. Each one spawns a Burning Colossus that pulses damage every 2 seconds.

Molten Gauntlet

The Burning Colossus smashes it’s current target causing heavy physical and shadowflame damage.

Molten Eruption (Mythic)

The Burning Colossus causes several players to erupt in flame dealing heavy fire damage to anyone within 3 yards.

Pulsing Core

The colossus pulses damage every 2.5 seconds to players within 15 yards.

Exploding Core

When the colossus reaches 100 energy it explodes dealing deadly damage every second for 20 seconds.

Dark Colossus (Mythic)

A shadow version of the Burning Colossus.

Shadow Gauntlet (Mythic)

The Dark Colossus smashes it’s current target causing heavy physical and shadowflame damage.

Shadow Cage (Mythic)

The Dark Colossus shrouds several players in shadow that erupts after 4 seconds dealing heavy damage to anyone within 5 yards.


Fyrakk dive bombs into the floor dealing deadly damage to players within location and reduced damage the further away players are from it.

Shadowflame Devastation

Fyrakk flies across the platform firing flames as he goes. This deals deadly damage to players and spawns several Screaming Souls.

Screaming Soul

A tormented soul of the Kaldorei, set ablaze by Fyrakk.

Searing Scream

The Screaming Soul unleashes a scream, causing light damage to all players every 3 seconds and increases the Screaming Souls shadowflame damage dealt by 100%. This effect stacks. If any Spirits of the Kaldorei are nearby they become Screaming Souls themselves.

Seed of Amirdrassil

As Amirdrassil begins to Bloom, seeds appear on the battlefield. Players can carry these and periodically the seeds surge with power allowing players to begin their bloom. If a seed is hit with shadowflame it will become a Blazing Seed.


The seed Blooms into a flower granting players within 9 yards an absorb, shielding them from deadly damage for 6 seconds.

Blazing Seed

When a Seed of Amirdrassil is hit directly with shadowflame damage, it turns into a Blazing Seed, pulsing with massive damage every 1 second for 6 seconds.

Raging Flames (Mythic)

A raging inferno dealing heavy damage every second to any player in the area.

Corrupted Seed (Mythic)

Corrupted Seeds that cause corruption to players every 1 second while held. This deals increasing damage until the seed is dropped. If a Corrupted Seed is hit directly with Shadowflame it will turn into a Blazing Seed. If the seed isn’t held, it inflicts moderate damage to the whole raid every 2.5 seconds, growing stronger the longer it is left on the floor.

Eternal Firestorm

Fyrakk calls down meteors onto players. The meteors hit the player and anyone within 5 yards of the player, creating a Swirling Firestorm.

Swirling Firestorm

A swirling fire tornado that deals deadly damage and knocks back players. This stays near where the Eternal Firestorm originally landed.

Apocalyptic Roar

Fyrakk roars inflicting deadly damage to all players and knocking them back. Standing within a Bloom will reduce the push back and damage taken significantly.

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