Kurog Grimtotem


  • Always tank the boss near the edges of the room as Sundering Strike knocks you quite far.
  • Start in the Alter of Frost and move to the Alter of Flame.
  • After the first intermission take the boss to the Alter of Storms, then move him to the Alter of Earth.
  • After the second intermission take him to the zone with lowest stacks (usually the Alter of Fire).


  • The damage in this fight increases in each section as the stacks build up on him.
  • Some sections have spikey damage profiles, whereas others have more consistent damage.


  • Kill the adds in the Alter of Earth section as fast as possible.
  • The Frost and Storm add in the intermission should be prioritised.
  • Use Heroism/Bloodlust at the beginning of the fight.

Main Phase

Whenever the boss moves through the different alters he will deal heavy AOE damage to the group and change armour, so you only want him to move across the threshold once per phase, roughly when he reaches 50 energy with the current alter, and never let him move to the middle, otherwise he will wipe the group. This is a good fight to use Heroism/Bloodlust at the beginning, unless your healers need it for a specific part of the fight.
Start by having him near the side of the Alter of Frost, leaving the tanks room for when they get knocked back. The frost alter is one of the most dangerous ones, so getting it out of the way first while the group has all it’s cooldown can make a huge difference. The ranged players should try to stay closely stacked, this helps to deal with soaks during Absolute Zero. When the two players are targeted with Absolute Zero, one should move close to the melee group and the other stay with the ranged. He will also use Frigid Torrent which are orbs sent out towards players that deal massive damage and knock the players away. These generally spawn in the same patterns but are extremely dangerous for melee players.
When Kurog has half his energy bar filled, start moving him towards the Alter of Fire. Remember as you move him into the new section he will cause raid damage from Primal Shift. In this section he will cause puddles of magma under random players feet. Run them to the sides and make sure not to stand on top of them. running as a group here helps to save space and don’t keep running between each one. Stop to save space between each one.
The last ability to watch out for is Molten Rupture which will cause waves of lava starting near the boss and radiating outwards. Stand near the edge of one and after it erupts, run to where it was before the next one. When Kurog reaches full energy, he will run to the centre and become immune to damage, starting the first intermission.

Intermission One

Kurog becomes immune to damage and channels. While he does this he will spawn two adds, depending on the zones you took him into. The Frozen Destroyer and the Blazing Fiend should be here this time. Each enemy has one major mechanic to deal with and the intermission will end when both of these adds are killed.
The Frozen Destroyer will periodically channel Freezing Tempest which deals massive damage to anyone further than 10 yards from it, and light damage to anyone within 10 yards. This can be extremely painful so killing the Frozen Destroyer first is advised. The Blazing Fiend will deal raid damage passively and spawn puddles requiring players to move. Kite the last enemy into the zone you plan to have Kurog in next and be ready for the next phase.

Phase Two

Take Kurog to the Alter of Storm next and use similar positioning that was used in phase one. Ranged should spread out and keep an eye out for the soaks from Shocking Burst. Missing one of these soaks is often the cause of a wipe so this is a high priority. Melee should consider moving towards a nearby one if they are on the other side of the boss, this is usually safer than relying on ranged to move large distances.
Being slightly spread also helps with Lightning Crash. This ability zaps the player and another player close to them for heavy nature damage every second for 8 seconds. This ability applies a debuff that increases the nature damage received by 30%. Because this ability also debuffs the closest player to the target, if a player stands in between two players with Lightning Crash, they will get hit by two sets of damage and two debuffs, likely killing them in one or two ticks. Assigning players in triangles or groups can help solve this, making sure players with the debuff don’t both stack near a single player without it.
When Kurog is around half energy, move him to the Alter of Earth. During this section he will cast Erupting Bedrock, which causes waves of earth from him. Ranged standing 10-20 yards away can make this easy to deal with, but melee should be extremely careful and pay attention during this cast. He will also spawn Seismic Rupture’s under players which deals damage and knocks the player in the air. Spread out so several players don’t get hit by one cast of this. When he reaches 100 energy he will run back to the middle and spawn the other two adds.


Primal Shift

Kurog attunes himself to the current alter he’s standing in. This deals moderate damage to all players and applies a debuff making him deal 300% more damage from Primal Shift for the next 20 seconds.

Sundering Strike

Kurog strikes his main target for massive damage in a frontal cone. This will knock the player back and cause a DoT dealing moderate damage every second for 35 seconds. This effect stacks.

Elemental Surge

If Kurog stands in the centre he will surge with power dealing heavy damage to all players every 0.5 seconds. This effect stacks.

Flame Dominance

Deals moderate fire damage to all players every 4 seconds and increases the damage this deals by 10% with each tick while in the Alter of Flame.

Magma Burst

Magma is thrown at a random players dealing heavy damage and causes Magma Pools to form underneath them.

Magma Pool

Molten magma puddles spawn under Magma Bursts dealing moderate fire damage every second to anyone who stands on them.

Molten Rupture

Waves of lava erupt from Kurog and slowly moving outwards dealing massive damage to anyone they hit.

Searing Carnage

The floor is primed to explode after 5 seconds dealing deadly damage to anyone within 5 yards.

Frost Dominance

Deals moderate frost damage to all players every 4 seconds while attuned to the Alter of Frost. The damage from this is increased by 10% with each tick. This effect stacks.

Biting Chill

All players take light frost damage every second for 10 seconds.

Frigid Torrent

Waves of frozen orbs every 2 seconds for 4 seconds, knocking players back dealing massive damage and stunning them for 6 seconds.

Absolute Zero

Large chunks of ice are thrown at players dealing deadly damage split between all players within 8 yards and applying the Frost Bite debuff.

Frost Bite

Being hit with Absolute Zero adds a stack of this debuff. When the player reaches 2 stacks, they become frozen dealing moderate damage every second for 10 seconds.

Earth Dominance

Kurog damages all players with moderate nature damage every 4 seconds while attuned to the Alter of Earth. This damage is increased by 10% per tick. This effect stacks.

Erupting Bedrock

Earth ripples through the ground dealing massive nature damage to anyone it hits.

Enveloping Earth

A healing absorb requiring heavy spot heals.

Seismic Rupture

Kurog spawns rock enemies to fight for him, causing damage to anyone within 10 yards of the spawn points.

Storm Dominance

Kurog deals moderate nature damage to all players every 4 seconds while attuned to the Alter of Storm. This damage is increased by 10% per tick and stacks.

Shocking Burst

Several players are charged with electricity for 5 seconds dealing massive damage to anyone within 12 yards when it expires.

Lightning Crash

Applies a debuff to random players that zaps the nearest player for light nature damage every second for 8 seconds and applies a 30% increased damage debuff. This effect stacks.

Thunder Strike

Strikes the floor with lightning, causing damage to anyone within 4 yards. If this doesn’t hit a player it will cause heavy damage to all players instead.

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