Larodar, Keeper of the Flame


  • Taunt swap after each Furious Charge. 
  • When the boss starts casting Furious Charge, run away from the boss to limit the damage he does to the raid. 
  • The Burning Ground changes constantly the space available, always try to position the boss near the edge of the usable space. 


  • Heal the Charred Treant’s to full health as soon as they become healable. 
  • Heal the Scorching Brambles to full health as soon as it becomes healable. 
  • Flash Fire is a heal absorb put on players. Heal the players till this debuff is gone. 
  • Soak Falling Ember’s to stop raid wide damage. 
  • Prepare for AOE healing during Raging Inferno


Phase 1

When the fight begins, lots of Burning Ground will spawn around the centre of the room and slowly more will grow as the fight commences. The Seed of Life will spawn in the centre of the room with 0 energy.  

Shortly into the fight the boss will spawn 3 Fiery Treants. These want to be interrupted and killed quickly to limit the spread of Burning Ground and to allow the healers the maximum amount of time to heal them up.

A little while after the Treants have been spawned the boss will spawn a Scorching Root. This root spawns on a random player and will chase the nearest player, attempting to root them in place and cause damage.
Before you can damage the root, you need to have a player interact with the Seed of Life. Doing so causes a frontal cone to spray in front of the player. Hitting the root with this frontal cone will make the root vulnerable to damage allowing the raid to kill the root. Once the root has been killed, it can be healed up to full health. Once it is fully healed it will spawn a Renewed Bramble Barrier, which will reduce the damage from Raging Inferno by 90%.
When a player is using the Seed of Life, they can also still make fully use of their spells and abilities, but they will be using energy from the seed which is limited. Other than breaking the Scorching Root invulnerability, this frontal cone can be used to clear the Burning Ground puddles around the room, making more space for your team. Keep in mind on heroic a player can only interact with the Seed of Life once.


At 35% health Larodar will begin to cast Consuming Flames over 16 seconds. While he does this the raid will take moderate fire damage that needs healing through. Stand near other players to make AOE healing more effective. During this intermission do not stand in the fire vortex at Larodar’s location. 

Phase 2

This is a burn phase. Use Heroism/Bloodlust and spread out loosely around the available area. Having cleared the Burning Ground before reaching this phase will make your time significantly easier. Have the boss tanked at the edge of the area to limit people getting hit by his frontal cone attack.
He will now use a healing absorb dot on players which if not dealt with, will turn the player to stone until healed away. There will be fire tornadoes floating around which deal fire damage and knock players back. This can be particularly deadly in combination with Falling Embers, which are single player soaks around the room. If a player is knocked out of one of these and it detonates, the whole raid will take damage. If several players get knocked away it will most likely wipe the group.
Ashen Treants will spawn in near the edges of the room and walk towards random players. They drop Burning Ground as they walk so can seriously limit the playable space if they reach it. These treants are killable and all forms of crowd control work on them.

Spell Glossary

Burning Ground

Ground puddles that cause damage, the boss and his minions spawn these as the fight continues. Using the Seed of Life can remove these from the floor. 

Seed of Life 

A seed in the middle of the room. Fully healed Charred Treants will channel into it, giving it energy which allow players the ability to clear the floor of the Burning Ground, and to make Scorching Root’s vulnerable to attack. The seed starts with 0 energy and gains energy for every second each treant channels up to 100. Using the seed will drain it of this energy over time.

Dream Blossom

The buff given by the Seed of Life when interacting with it, allowing up to three players the ability to chain a beam that extinguishes Burning Ground and Scorching Root’s invulnerability. Players who have already had this buff will have the Dream Fatigue buff for the remainder of the fight.

Dream Fatigue (Heroic)

Players who finish using the Seed of Life will gain this debuff, making them unable to use the seed again for the remainder of the fight.

Fiery Treants

Larodar spawns three treant adds to attack the raid. These will make patches of Burning Ground as they move and cast Fiery Flourish which needs interrupting. When they die, their bodies become Charred Treants.

Explosive Bark

When a treant dies it explodes dealing light fire damage to anyone in melee range.

Charred Treant

After the Fiery Treants have been killed, their bodies will sit there allowing healers to top their health up. Doing so will allow them to run to the Seed of Life and start channelling energy into it.

Scorching Roots

A tangle of roots will spawn at a player’s location and chase the nearest player. If it touches any player, it will root them in place and deal damage to them. These roots will need hitting by the Dream Blossom frontal, which removes its invulnerability and allows players to kill it.

Scorching Bramblethorn (Heroic)

If the Scorching Roots comes into contact with any player, they become rooted in place and take moderate damage every 2 seconds for the duration. This effect is a magic debuff that is dispellable by healers.

Renewed Bramble Barrier

After the Scorching Roots have been killed, the healers can now heal these roots. When they are healed to full, they will become this, allowing players to stand inside to take heavily reduced damage from Raging Inferno.

Raging Inferno

When Larodar reaches 100 energy, he will channel Raging Inferno, an extremely deadly ability which your raid needs the Renewed Bramble Barrier to survive. When he has finished channelling, he will also get the Combusting Presence buff.

Combusting Presence

Deals moderate fire damage to the raid and makes more Burning Ground patches.

Furious Charge

Larodar charges his current target for heavy damage, reduced by how far the target is from him and putting the Nature’s Fury debuff on them. Anyone Larodar hits along the way also takes moderate damage.

Nature’s Fury

A debuff causing you to take 100% increased physical damage for the next 20 seconds, reducing over time. This is put on the player that is hit by Furious Charge.

Fiery Outburst

When Furious Charge reaches its target Larodar explodes causing moderate raid wide damage, reduced by how far the tank got away from Larodar before the charge.

Consuming Flames

When the intermission begins Larodar will channel this over 16 seconds. This deals heavy fire damage to anyone standing in the fire vortex, and less damage to the whole raid.

Blazing Thorns

Swirls of thorns appear around Larodar which cause damage and knock players away. These spawn several Blazing Coalescence orbs.

Fire Whirl

Fire tornadoes that cause fire damage and knock players away.

Ashen Treant

Adds that walk towards random players and drop Burning Ground wherever they stand.

Blazing Coalescence (Heroic)

Orbs that float back towards Larodar. If they reach him, he will deal 20% increased fire damage for 10 seconds stacking for each orb that reaches him. If a player intercepts this, they will take initial fire damage and additional fire damage for 10 seconds but also gain 20% increased critical strike chance for the duration.

Igniting Growth (Mythic)

A debuff put on players for 15 seconds that makes them spawn Burning Ground underneath them. This effect is reduced if they are standing near existing Burning Ground.

Everlasting Blaze (Mythic)

Players who collect Blazing Coalescence get a debuff for the remainder of the fight increasing the damage they receive from further Blazing Coalescence’s by 250% per stack.

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