

  • Taunt swap after each Weaver’s Burden, then run away to drop the debuff off to the side.
  • Nymue deals both physical and magic damage.
  • Stay near the boss when she gets to 100 energy to gain Inflorescence, allowing you to pass your team through the Verdant Matrix without damage.


  • During each phase 2 the raid will take increased damage from Unravel.
  • At the end of each phase 2, the raid will take moderate damage from Continuum.
  • Viridian Rain will be cast several times in phase 1 on random players.


Phase One

The fight starts with Nymue moving the Verdant Matrix (lines on the floor), pay attention, making sure not to be standing on any of them and spread out. Players need to continuously move to Surging Growths on the floor. Standing on them shrinks them and eventually destroys them. This is vital as each active Surging Growth deals light raid damage. Having to many of these active will overwhelm the healers.
Nymue will use Impending Loom, which spawns several small beams from her location to the back of the room. As they move they grow bigger, making them more difficult to move around. If they hit a player they will be stunned and take heavy damage over 3 seconds. Staying close would be ideal, but as you also need to deal with Growth’s and other mechanics, this isn’t always possible.
The last ability to deal with is Weaver’s Burden, which causes a few players to drop a large circle after a few seconds. This will persist till the end of phase 2, so positioning them away from where the Cycle Warden’s spawn is essential. The back of the room and sides near Nymue is usually a safe position.

Phase Two

When Nymue reaches 100 energy she will become immune to damage and hit anyone within melee range for heavy damage and buff them with Inflorescence. This allows players to run through the Verdant Matrix without taking damage, and allow others to follow behind them. She will also spawn two Cycle Wardens, one on each side of the room.
The group should have been split ahead of time, with one tank, some DPS and a couple healers on each side. The Cycle Wardens should never cross over the Verdant Matrix, as if they do they will explode for massive damage to the raid. The wardens will attack with a frontal cone and spawn several swirls during this phase. Once both are dead, Nymue will be vulnerable again and will remake the Verdant Matrix.
During this phase Nymue will repeatedly cast Unravel, causing pulsing damage to the group. Each time she does this, it will deal 10% more damage, stacking. This means there is a soft enrage to defeating Nymue. Also any Surging Growth’s from phase one will have despawned, but she continues to spawn them in phase two, and these persist through to the following phase one, so be vigilant and clear the growth’s fast.


Verdant Matrix

Several emerald lines spawn between the cracks around the room. Running over them deals light nature damage every 0.5 seconds for 2 seconds. This effect stacks.


Nymue channels for 10 seconds changing where the lines of the Verdant Matrix are. While she does this she deals heavy damage every second to the raid group.

Threaded Blast

Nymue hits the main target with heavy physical and magical damage.

Impending Loom

Beams of green energy slowly form near Nymue and move outwards growing bigger as they move. Any player hit by these are stunned for 2 seconds and take heavy damage every second for 3 seconds.

Weaver’s Burden

Nymue imprints an explosive seed into players. After a couple of seconds these seeds explode dealing damage to the player and heavy damage to any other player in the area. This leaves a emerald flower on the floor until the end of the phase, and gives the player the Inflorescence buff and the Woven Resonance debuff.


Flora grows beneath your feet as you run for a few seconds, allowing you and people near you to run through the Verdant Matrix unharmed and increasing your run speed by 60% for the duration.

Woven Resonance

Increases nature damage taken by 100% for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.

Barrier Blossom

Blossoms that bounce players away from them and deal moderate damage to anyone that touches them.

Viridian Rain

Nymue spawns shards that fall above several players dealing moderate damage every 1.5 seconds for 6 seconds.

Surging Growth

A flower spawns from the ground that deals light raid damage to the raid group while alive. Having more growths active at any time increases the damage. Players who stand on them reduce it’s duration.

Ephemeral Flora (Mythic)

Flora that bursts from the ground. After 10 seconds the flora explodes dealing massive damage to the entire raid every second for 30 seconds. Players who stand on it reduce its power.

Reclamation (Mythic)

3 seconds after Ephemeral Flora or Surging Growth’s expire, Nymue collects it’s energy causing an explosion at the location for massive damage to anyone within 8 yards.

Full Bloom

When Nymue reaches 100 energy she explodes for massive damage to anyone within melee range, and grants them players Inflorescence. She becomes immune to damage and spawns two Cycle Wardens.


Nymue channels for 3 seconds dealing moderate raid damage every second for 3 seconds. Every time she does this it does 10% more damage and stacks.

Cycle Warden

At the beginning of phase 2, two Cycle Warden adds will spawn. If these cross over the Verdant Matrix they will cause an explosion on the raid group for massive damage.

Life Ward

While either Cycle Warden is alive they shield Nymue preventing any damage to her.

Lumbering Slam (Heroic)

A frontal slam dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in it.

Radial Flourish

Swirls that spawn from the Cycle Warden in a flower pattern.

Verdant Rend (Mythic)

Whenever a Cycle Warden crosses the Verdant Matrix, they explode for massive raid wide damage. On mythic difficulty, a Verdant Rend will be cast every 15 seconds if only one Cycle Warden is alive.

Manifested Dream (Mythic)

An additional add that spawns on mythic difficulty.

Waking Decimation (Mythic)

After 30 seconds the Manifested Dream rips all players out of the dream, causing deadly damage and wiping the group.

Lucid Miasma (Mythic)

Players within 30 yards of the Manifested Dream take light damage every second and get the Lucid Vulnerability debuff. Players further than 30 yards have their vision obscured.

Lucid Vulnerability (Mythic)

All Lucid Miasma damage is increased by 1000% for 12 minutes. This effect stacks.

Dream Exhaust (Mythic)

The Manifested Dream shoots energy in several directions dealing massive damage to anyone who gets hit.

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