

  • Phase one and phase two have the same tank buster, phase three is different.
  • Electrified Jaws is the phase one & phase two tank buster, use large mitigation.
  • In the first intermission keep an eye on Windforce Strikes stacks. Use a defensive when it gets too high to handle.
  • Thunderous Blast is the tank buster in phase three. After two seconds it explodes based on the amount of damage you took in that time. Mitigate well here.
  • Taunt swap after each cast of Electrified Jaws and Thunderous Blast.



Phase One

This takes place on the main platform. Have the tanks face Raszageth away from the group in the centre and have players be loosely grouped behind her. Some players will be Static Charged, which will require them to run away from the group into positions spread behind them. After the debuff explodes, it leaves behind a Static Field which will mitigate the pushback that follows.
She will cast Hurricane Wing, which causes high damage to the group, but also pushes them off the platform. Standing in front of, or in a Static Field will stop players from being pushed off the platform. These puddles do deal damage as well, so do not stand on them longer than you have to. Shortly before and after these push backs, she will also use a frontal cone dragon breath towards a random player. This is easy to see coming as she will turn around, but deadly if you do not move to the sides, so keep an eye on her.
The last ability in phase one to deal with is Volatile Current, which places circles on all players that cause damage and spawn a Volatile Spark. These sparks need any form of crowd control or interrupt on them to despawn them. Leaving them to cast Burst will cause heavy damage to the group and leave a stackable DoT that deals heavy damage every second for 30 seconds. Don’t let this happen or players will drop like flies.

Intermission One

During the intermission your group should have been assigned whether they go left or right. Stand ready to be knocked over to the smaller platforms on each side with your group and run to the first group of adds. These adds should be interrupted when possible and killed fast.
During this intermission Raszageth will fly overhead casting Lightning Devastation which deals deadly damage to anyone standing in the telegraphed area. Avoid this while killing all three groups of adds then use the teleporter to get to the next platform. Group up and prepare for Stormsurge.

Phase Two

Raszageth will form a large shield around herself that needs breaking within 25 seconds or it will wipe the raid. During this time she will deal ramping raid damage to the group. This ability coincides with all players receiving one of two buffs from Stormcharged. Players will either be negatively charged or positively charged. Players need to group with people of the same charge, while avoiding the other charge entirely. Doing so will increase their damage, healing and absorbs by 200%, which makes it possible to break through the shields.
The Volatile Currents are dealt with exactly the same as phase one, but have to be dealt with faster due to overlapping mechanics. She will use Tempest Wing which causes a ring of energy to slowly grow from the centre, dealing heavy damage and slightly knocking players back. Players need to use speed boosts or a warlock gate and run through the ring as fast as possible, to minimalize the damage this ring causes.
The last major ability in this phase is Fulminating Charge which slows the players affected by 75% and causes an explosion after 5 seconds, then jumps to the closest player. These start out as massive circles to avoid, and get smaller with each explosion. You should move the raid group away from these players as these players will struggle to get around due to the movement speed reduction.

Intermission Two

This intermission will have two Colossal Stormfiend enemies spawn that will deal AOE damage to the group and pulse out orbs of electricity as they attack. If one of these dies, the other one gains a 30% damage buff so killing these at the same time is preferred. Periodically these enemies will teleport somewhere on the platform and Seeking Stormlings will spawn where they teleported from. These small enemies will move towards the Colossal Stormfiend. If they reach it they will cast Fuse which heals it for 5% of it’s health and permanently increase it’s damage dealt by 25%. Cleave these down using slows and stuns so this doesn’t happen. Once they are both dead, all players need to move to the side of the platform where the first platform is, to be knocked back over to that for the final phase.

Phase Three

During this last phase there will be a cloud of electricity slowly closing in towards the centre, acting as a soft enrage. This cloud will slow players and deal damage to anyone who stands inside it. She will still use Tempest Wing and Fulminating Charge, these work exactly the same as they did in phase two but with slowly decreasing room to manoeuvre as this phase goes on.
It is vital that no player stands near to the current main tank during this phase due to Raszageth’s new tank buster Thunderous Blast. This is a frontal beam of energy that lasts for 2 seconds and then deals massive damage to the entire raid group based on the damage it deals to anyone it hits. This effectively means anyone getting hit who isn’t immune to damage will cause many deaths if not an entire wipe. This phase is so lethal it is almost always advised to use Heroism/Bloodlust here to give as little time as possible for something to go wrong.


Hurricane Wing

When Raszageth reaches 100 energy she summons a massive gust of wind that deals heavy damage to all players and pushes them away with great force.

Static Charge

Players are marked, causing them to take heavy damage every second for 8 seconds. When this expires a huge cloud will drop to the floor and the raid will take damage, reduced by distance from the marked players. The cloud will heavily slow players.

Volatile Current

Every player gets hit with electricity causing anyone within 8 yards of them to take heavy damage and leaving a Volatile Spark behind.

Electrified Jaws

Raszageth strikes her current target for massive physical and nature damage. This causes them to take moderate nature damage every second and increases physical damage taken by 100% for 33 seconds. This effect stacks.

Lightning Breath

A lightning breath frontal cone targeted towards a random player that deals massive damage every 0.3 seconds to players who stand in it.

Lightning Strikes

Periodical lightni8ng strike that deals heavy damage to anyone within 4 yards of where it hits. Any player hit will be stunned for 0.5 seconds.

Electric Scales

Periodic nature damage pulses from Raszageth dealing light damage to players and causing some players to be hit with Electric Lash.

Electric Lash

Tendril of electricity branches from Raszageth and deals light damage every 0.5 seconds.

Lightning Devastation

Raszageth sweeps across the platform causing lightning damage to anyone underneath her.


When Raszageth reaches 100 energy she gains a shield absorbing a massive amount of damage. While she has this shield she pulses nature damage to the raid every second that increases in damage by 200% per tick. After 25 seconds if the shield isn’t destroyed it will explode for deadly damage.


Players are affected with either a positive or negative charge. Standing with players of the same charge will increase damage, healing and absorbs done by 200%, but standing with the opposite charge will cause an explosion dealing deadly damage every second.

Tempest Wing

Deals heavy damage to all players and making a wave of power that slowly moves outwards pushing players and dealing damage every 0.5 seconds they touch it.

Fulminating Charge

Players are charged with electricity rooting them in place for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds it deals heavy nature damage to anyone in the area and jumping to a nearby player.

Storm’s Spite

Around the edge of the platform a storm slowly closes in causing damage and slowing anyone standing on it.

Thunderous Blast

A beam of energy towards Raszageth’s current target that causes damage for 2 seconds and then explodes dealing massive damage to the raid group, reduced by mitigation used during the 2 seconds. This also applies Thunderstruck Armour.

Thunderstruck Armour

Increases physical damage taken by 100% and damage taken by Thunderous Blast by 40% for 40 seconds.

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