
Do you ready to return in long-forgotten Uldaman? New bosses, new titan secrets, and one of the Discs of Norgannon, which can help dragon Aspects bring their powers back. Fasten your seat belts now, we are going to the Eastern Kingdoms, Badlands, /way 41.10 10.33.

Revamped Uldaman got its unique checkpoints. So after death and release, don’t hurry up to move forward because you can find Neglected Mole Machine near your respawn point and use teleport depending on your dungeon progress.

The Lost Dwarves Stay spread to avoid Olaf’s Ricocheting Shield
Run away from Eric when he casts Skullcracker
Interrupt Olaf’s Defensive Bulwark
During Searing Cannonfire, it will be better for all players to stay at one point and move together slowly to the safe spots. Also, focus on the single boss to blast dwarves one by one
The tank should face under Wild Cleave mitigations away from the party
Keep Heavy Arrow away from the teammates too.
Bromach After Call of the Deep cast, kill the adds focusing on casters (interrupt them too)
Run away from the ground effect of Thundering Slam
When Quaking Totem appears, you should blast it immediately. At the same time, the tank should stack the boss and add under totem to increase the damage they will take
Dispel Bloodlust every time it’s active.
Sentinel Talondras Stop casting when the boss starts to apply Crushing Stomp ability
Stay away from Resonating Orb
Use all your CDs to kill the boss until she doesn’t get too many Unrelenting stacks
On the 100 energy, the boss will start cast Titanic Empowerment. You should kite her through Resonating Orb to clear Inexorable stacks and use another one to stun the boss, preventing her from empowering.
Emberon Be spread when the boss uses Unstable Embers
When the boss gets Sacred Barrier aura, you should kill 2 adds to end the phase. You can share the adds with all teammates
Don’t cross the Purging Flames lines
The tank should aim Searing Clap away from the party
The healer should be aware of Burning Heat to dispel it immediately.
Chrono-Lord Deios Dodge the Eternity Orb strikes and spawning void zones
When the boss starts Wing Buffet cast, beware there are no void zones near your position
The tank should aim Sand Breath away from the group
The healer should dispel Time Sink when the target is on top of HP.

Data based on guides from Overgear.com

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