


  • Coiling Flames damage increases as it ticks. 
  • After the soaks the raid will take heavy AOE damage. 


  • Spread out with range further back. 
  • After soak’s group for AOE healing/defensives.
  • This is a single target fight with no cleave.

Boss Fight

Use Heroism/Bloodlust at the beginning of the fight. Your raid leader should have split the groups into two, having healers and DPS on each side. The boss will put circle debuffs on players which shrink over time. As they shrink, they will deal more damage. Have these players stand behind or to the side of the groups.
The boss will occasionally have his tail grow behind the players and mark a shadow on the floor. After a couple of seconds, it will slam down killing anyone under it and shooting waves of lava in either direction. There will also be puddles of lava spawn throughout the fight to avoid.
When the boss reaches 100 energy it will begin to cast Flood of the Firelands, and two large soak circles will appear. Your groups should split evenly into each and position yourself to get knocked the direction you are moving. After this happens, lava will quickly spread across the floor and the boss will begin to cast Serpent’s Fury. This is a good time for your healers to use their cooldowns and the rest of the team should stack and use defensives. Shortly after this the cycle repeats again until either the boss dies, or you run out of space and the boss reaches its enrage timer. 

Mythic Difficulty

The main difference in Mythic difficulty is When Coiling Flames finishes it becomes a group soak that you need a few people inside very quickly before it hits. Having a rule for when the tail appears which way to run will help the group with positioning and remember to never stack the soaks at the end of Coiling Flames

Spell Glossary

Cataclysm Jaws

Volcoross hits his main target with both physical and fire damage. Damage increased for each stack of Molten Venom.

Molten Venom

When Volcoross Melees, he puts a debuff on the target dealing fire damage and increasing the damage of Cataclysm Jaws for each stack.

Burning Vertebrae

Throughout the fight the raid takes ticking fire damage every two seconds. Healers deal with this.

Scorchtail Crash

His tail rises up behind the players and slams down after a few seconds dealing very heavy damage to anyone caught in its shadow and sending lava waves in both directions.

Tidal Blaze (Heroic)

Waves of lava that burst from the tail when it slams the ground. These deal heavy damage while standing in them.

Volcanic Disgorge

Volcoross spits at players, spawning swirls that turn into lava puddles on the floor.


The growing puddles of lava left by Volcanic Disgorge.

Flood of the Firelands

Each time Volcoross reaches 100 energy, he spawns two group soaks. These need several people in each to split the damage. It then knocks players from the centre and spawns Hellboil puddles on the floor that grow quickly. Volcoross always uses Serpent’s Fury after this.

Serpent’s Fury

The boss shoots fireballs at every player several times over 5 seconds that needs healing through. Volcoross casts Coiling Flames on players during this.

Coiling Flames

A debuff cast on players that causes flames to spin around them with a circle to indicate the damage range. This circle shrinks over time, and the damage increases as it shrinks.

Twisting Singe (Mythic)

As Coiling Flames shrinks, fire radiates outwards causing damage to anyone hit.

Coiling Eruption (Mythic)

At the end of Coiling Flames the player explodes. Damage is shared between all players within 5 yards. After this, the Coiling Flames jumps to another player.

Eviscerating Flames (Mythic)

If a player soaks more than one Coiling Eruption at once, they will take deadly fire damage.

Serpent’s Wrath

After the fourth Flood of the Firelands, Volcoross will reach his soft enrage causing all players to take medium damage every 2 seconds and increases the damage he deals by 10% every 0.5 seconds.

Combusting Rage

If no player is within melee range, Volcoross will deal heavy fire damage to all players every two seconds until someone is within range.

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